At certain points in the Buddhistic service, I think when the sacred name of Buddha recurs with fervor, the Chief Lama covers his right arm as far as  the wrist with the orange maniple and pours three times a double libation on the sugared water into the brazen dish, into which he had previously scattered a layer of the barleycorn. Taking up pieces of this mixture, the Lama flings them right and left, and then dipping the aspergil into the holy water, he asperges the altar, but not his fellow officiants nor the congregation, thus apparently indicating an offering of the consecrated water to the Buddha. The maniple is shifted to the left arm whenever he uses that arm to touch a sacred vessel. 
It is interesting to note that, on the top of the aspergil, is a peacock feather. Since the peacock is well known to be sacred to the evil or negative influence - I asked the officiant why he used this apparently malign emblem over the holy water. He replied that as it is an evil an "poisonous" thing, the peacock feather is intended to keep the malignant spirits from entering into a thus polluting the sacred water: an interesting example of oriental homeopathy ! 

As the service proceeded and finally came to a grand climax, when it suddenly ended, the
chant-melody rose to a distinctly four-tone cantilation and closed with a word which sounded very like the prototype of our Amen. 
In certain canticles the Cantor struck two convex pieces of silver together in rhythm with the chant, which action produced the effect of a sweet-toned bell and reminded one strongly of the mass-bell of the Roman Catholic church. 
The Chief Lama was vested in an orange-colored cassock with a cincture of the same hue, and wore a light yellow stole over his left shoulder but not crossed. He did, however, once or twice during the rite, draw the stole across his breast in much the same manner as is done by the orthodox Greek priests. The vestment of the Assistant Lama was of the same shape, but of a much darker orange color, except that his stole was also light yellow. The Cantor was also robed  in cassock and girdle of even darker hue, but wore no stole, which is the priestly insignium. 

The Belgrade Yellow Lama informed me that the doctrine of transmigration is strictly held by this sect and that he teaches his flock that while it is manifestly impossible for any person leading the "world-life" to "get off the wheel of events" and attain anything approaching to Nirvana, he can assure a better reincarnation to those of his people who have "lived well", that is, who have followed the precepts of ordinary morality, such as those against theft, adultery, an so forth. 
It is strange to find this model little community of Mongol (Kalmyk) speaking Tatar so far west as Belgrade, and I have therefore considered their presence here as worthy of record.

TOC > Early Period > 1927 report (part 1) >1927 report (part (2) > 1927 report (part 3)